CHW Certification Program Update
Guest Speakers
Sarahjini Nunn, BS, MPA, MBA, EdD; Illinois Department of Public Health
Lori Weiselberg, MPH; Illinois Department of Public Health
The Community Health Worker Certification and Reimbursement Act (410 ILCS 67), effective 4-27-21, creates a program whereby the IDPH certifies Community Health Workers (CHWs) to ensure that this provider type provides high quality services to be reimbursed through the Medicaid program. This includes the development of oversight of initial community health worker certification and certification renewals for both individuals and community-based and academic training programs. We will present an overview of the program and provide updates on its development.
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Funding provided by HRSA grant 22-124; Community Health Worker Training Program. Funding is also provided by the Illinois Department of Public Health.