IPHA Executive Council Election 2024

Voting will take place June 7 through June 30. As a member of the Association, you are allowed one vote in the 2024 election. Once the online voting closes and the votes are tallied, elected candidates will be announced to IPHA membership and will assume office for FY2025.

Renew Your Membership Today!

The IPHA Membership Year will end on June 30, 2024. Remain an active member by signing into your member portal and renewing your membership today!

Special Interests

Special Interest Sections are the primary professional units of the Association and conduct activities that promote the mission and fulfill the goals of IPHA. Sections create a variety of opportunities for member involvement, making the IPHA experience richer for those who choose to interact with their Sections.

IPHA has 8 Sections that represent major public health disciplines or public health programs. These Sections allow members with shared interests to come together to develop scientific program content and policy resolutions in their areas of interest or fields of practice, and they provide for professional and social networking, career development and mentoring.

To be an active Section member, an individual must have a current membership in IPHA. Anyone who is a member of IPHA may become a member of two Sections.

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