Spring 2024 Legislative Priorities
HB4887 - $Local Health Dept Funding (Rep. Katie Stuart)
Capital bill for LHD Infrastructure improvements - seeking $25M appropriation to DCEO to award capital grants to certified local health departments for “ready-to-launch projects,” i.e., ADA compliance; facility life and health safety projects; HVAC and plumbing repairs/replacements; expansion to serve changing population needs, etc.
HB4823/SB3301 - $IDPH-Local Health Prot Grants (Rep. Robyn Gabel/Sen. Julie Morrison)
At minimum, the State of Illinois must reinstate the $5 million to maintain LHPG funding at FY2024 levels. In FY24, the appropriation was increased from $19.1M to $25.1M by Rep. Gabel and Sen. Morrison. The FY25 introduced budget removed the $5M increase. IPHA seeks to restore that funding with an ultimate goal of funding the Local Heatlh Protection Grant at $30.1 million annually from sustainable revenue.
- Friends of Public Health letter supporting funding for the LHPG Appropriation
- IPHA Letter to Governor JB Pritzker regarding FY2025 Introduced Budget Reduction to the LHPG Appropriation
HB5404 - $Prostate Cancer (Rep. Marcus Evans)
Fund $350K in grants to LHDs and CBOs to promote prostate and testicular cancer screening and educate about the provisions of House Bill 5318, signed by Governor Pritzker in June 2022 and effective on January 1, 2024, requiring health insurance and managed care plans are required to provide prostate cancer screenings without imposing a deductible, coinsurance, copayment, or any other cost-sharing requirement.
HB4899, House Amendment #1 - Fee Exemption (Rep. Camille Lilly)
Exempt Certified Local Health Departments from licensure fees for Hospice Programs and Home Health Agencies. ertified local health departments (LHDs) are exempt from some but not all licensure fees under the Home Health, Home Services, and Home Nursing Agency Licensing Act [210 ILCS 55/]. In the past, many certified LHDs provided services under this Act and some LHDs were formed for this purpose. Today only 13 certified LHDS are licensed to provide home health nursing and only four (4) provide hospice services.
Spring 2023 Legislative Priorities
Fund Local Public Health Priorities through Increases to the Local Health Protection Grant
Proposal: For FY2024, appropriate $30,000,000 from the State Coronavirus Urgent Remediation Emergency Fund to the Department of Public Health to Certified Local Health Departments to fund Health Protection Programs and to address the Certified Local Health Department’s critical health priorities.
Fund Physical Infrastructure Improvements at Certified Local Health Departments Statewide
Proposal: For FY2024, appropriate $25,000,000 from the Build Illinois Bond Fund to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity for grants to Certified Local Health Departments for costs associated with physical infrastructure improvements.
Exempt Certified Local Health Departments from GATA Requirements for Public Health and Safety Grants Issued by IDPH
Proposal: Amend the Grant Accountability and Transparency Act (GATA) to provide that the requirements do not apply to awards, including all state and federal appropriated funds, made by the Department of Public Health to certified local health departments for the purposes of public health, public safety, and healthcare related projects.