IPHA Executive Council Election 2024

Voting will take place June 7 through June 30. As a member of the Association, you are allowed one vote in the 2024 election. Once the online voting closes and the votes are tallied, elected candidates will be announced to IPHA membership and will assume office for FY2025.

Renew Your Membership Today!

The IPHA Membership Year will end on June 30, 2024. Remain an active member by signing into your member portal and renewing your membership today!

Upcoming Events

LHD Academy of Science Informational Session

May 23, 2023 | 11:00am - 12:00pm


The LHD Academy of Science is a first of its kind Shared Public Library for Local Health Department measurements, surveys, and tools. They are an Association made for and by Local Health Department data collectors, and their advisory board is made up of Local Health Department members in each state. Other leadership includes representation from NACCHO and the CDC.

Join us to learn more about how Illinois Local Health Departments can join this movement!

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