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Call for Award Nominations

September 13, 2024



IPHA 83rd Annual Meeting & Conference 

Call for Nominations

The IPHA 83rd Annual Conference Planning Committee seeks nominations for awards.  

This is your invitation to recognize your fellow colleagues for their contributions to the public health community. Individuals or groups involved in any aspect of community health, public health, and/or human services should be nominated for these leadership awards. Please review the criteria for each award and select the category most suited to your nominee’s accomplishments. You are not limited in the number of nominations you submit. Past award winners in a category will not be eligible for award in that category.

All nominations must be submitted online and must answer the following:

  • Describe the outstanding contribution and impact to public health that make the nominee eligible for the award chosen.
  • What additional characteristics make this nominee a good candidate for this award?


Award Categories

Honorary Emeritus Award

Candidates for this award shall be retired and shall have been IPHA members in good standing for at least 20 years. Retired IPHA members with fewer than 20 years of membership in the association may be considered by the Awards committee and recommended to the Executive Council for approval for this award.

Everett I. Hageman Volunteerism Award

This award is given to an individual whose dedication to volunteer efforts to improve the public’s health is exemplified through a leadership or support role over a sustained period of time at the local, state and/or national level(s).

Public Health Program of Excellence Award

This award recognizes public health programs in Illinois which demonstrate excellence such as quality of service, dedication in providing evidence-based services, creativity in solutions for the community that improve access to care or address health disparities, increasing the visibility of public health initiatives, promoting the adoption of effective and efficient public health programs, and/or successful collaborative public health initiatives.

Public Health Advocacy Award

This award will be given to an individual or organization whose dedication, persistence, and passion for improving lives has significantly advanced public health policies in Illinois. Awardees will include individuals or organizations that have made an outstanding contribution to public health through science-based or best practice advocacy efforts, facilitated progress in health equity and social justice, or that have advanced prevention through policy change.

Emerging Public Health Leader Award

This award is given to an individual who has shown dedication to making a significant contribution to public health in Illinois by demonstrating outstanding leadership, innovation, and/or creativity. The award recipient shall be a student of public health or a person in the first 10 years of his/her public health professional career.

Public Health Champion Award

This award recognizes an individual who has made an outstanding contribution of major significance to the public health field within the past year and is actively involved in public health in Illinois. Nomination information should indicate that the individual’s efforts have gone beyond what is normally expected and demonstrate exemplary dedication to the advancement of public health.

Public Health Mentoring Award

This award recognizes the essential role of mentoring in public health and leadership development. Awardees will include public health professionals and/or academic preceptors who take an active role in mentoring young professionals or students through regular contact, facilitating practical experience, providing professional development, supporting research, and/or collaborating on joint publications.

Health Equity Award (new)

This award  recognizes organizations who have demonstrated a strong commitment to health equity by reducing disparities affecting vulnerable populations, such as racial and ethnic minorities, individuals with disabilities, sexual and gender minorities, individuals with limited English proficiency, members of rural, Tribal, and geographically isolated communities, and other individuals impacted by persistent poverty and inequality.  Special consideration will be given to organizations which have implemented a suite of policies and practices recommended by Healing Through Policy, an initiative of the American Public Health Association, the de Beaumont Foundation, and the National Collaborative for Health Equity, in collaboration with Results for America. 

Nominations must be submitted by October 18, 2024 at 5:00 PM CST

The IPHA Awards Subcommittee will notify awardees and their nominators of award selection by November 8, 2024.

Submit an Award Nomination Here

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