Save the Date for IPHA 2024!

Registration and housing are open for the 83rd IPHA Annual Meeting & Conference

Stay Informed

Call for Breakout Session Proposals

September 12, 2024

The IPHA 83rd Annual Meeting and Conference Planning Committee invites public health professionals, students, and other interested parties to submit breakout session proposals on a wide variety of topics supporting the conference theme, “Nurturing Connections: Strengthening Partnerships and Trust in Public Health.” Selected proposals will be invited to present a breakout session during the conference.

Concurrent Breakout Session (60 minutes): These oral presentation sessions are intended to support the conference theme “Nurturing Connections: Strengthening Partnerships and Trust in Public Health” and should be of professional interest to attendees.These sessions can be delivered via a single speaker or a small panel of speakers. PowerPoint slides are encouraged, and each session should include 10-15 minutes for Q & A interaction with the audience.

Special Consideration Topics: The Conference Planning Committee will make special consideration for proposals that address one or more of the following priorities:

  • Building Trust in Public Health
  • Addressing Misinformation and Disinformation
  • Public Health Workforce Development
  • Public Health Partnerships
  • Addressing Future Public Health Challenges


Proposals must be submitted no later than October 1, 2024 at 5:00 PM CT

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