IPHA Executive Council Election 2024

Voting will take place June 7 through June 30. As a member of the Association, you are allowed one vote in the 2024 election. Once the online voting closes and the votes are tallied, elected candidates will be announced to IPHA membership and will assume office for FY2025.

Renew Your Membership Today!

The IPHA Membership Year will end on June 30, 2024. Remain an active member by signing into your member portal and renewing your membership today!

Stay Informed

Virtual IPHA Annual Business Meeting

Save the Date!

Virtual IPHA Annual Business Meeting

Thursday, December 14, 2023 | 1:00pm to 2:30pm

Join us for the IPHA Annual Business Meeting on Thursday, December 14 at 1:00PM CST. Meeting Materials and Zoom link will be posted on the IPHA website one week prior to the meeting.

The agenda includes a report from the IPHA President, Treasurer, ARGC, and Executive Director. There will also be updates on IPHA's Strategic Plan and policy resolutions for discussion and approval.

All active IPHA members are invited to attend. Each paid member carries one vote in Association business matters. We value your participation and look forward to seeing you!

Questions? Contact Lanie Kepler, lkepler@ipha.com.

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